latest seo updates

The Latest SEO Updates That Could Impact Your SEO Efforts

Even tech giants like eBay haven’t been able to avoid losing hundreds of millions of dollars for failing to understand the latest SEO updates.

That’s because changes to SEO rules can turn a great strategy into something that your business is penalized for.

And after you get a search engine penalty, your conversion rate and traffic may never recover.

Instead of banking your business on old strategies, take a look at this article to know what’s changed for search engines and how it affects your bottom line.

Which Are the Latest SEO Updates?

The most dramatic set of SEO updates in the last decade right now happened due to Google’s newest updates focused on link quality.

Until recently, one of the most effective ways to improve your SEO rankings was taking advantage of private blog networks (PBNs).

PBNs are a notorious black hat method with a name that betrays their indecency.

Really, they’re large, soulless databases of links designed to do nothing but serve an SEO purpose.

Not only is using a PBN something likely to come back to bite you due to changes to SEO, but it also makes you look childish to your customers.

The links you choose reflect on your brand. Allowing yourself to be associated with PBNs connects your brand to boring spam instead of the dynamic and engaging content you could be using your SEO strategy to take advantage of.

Today, we’re experiencing what may be the death of the PBN. But that doesn’t mean PBNs are the only type of link building abuse Google is cracking down on through the latest SEO updates.

Google is cracking down on any sort of unnatural link building.

What this means is spammy SEO link building strategies such as putting links to your content on unrelated websites and focusing on links that don’t serve the needs of any real customer or web browser will no longer be a dirty part of the business of success in eCommerce.

How Will They Affect Me?

When it comes to running a business, it’s incredibly true that knowledge is power.

If you don’t know what you’re doing with your SEO strategy, you could already be being punished.

Have a free SEO consultation with us to make sure you don’t have any avoidable link penalties holding you back, and find out what your needs are.

For most people with some idea of what they’re doing, the latest SEO updates aren’t the end of the world, but they’re completely worth taking a look at.

The reality for most business owners active on the internet is that the latest set of SEO updates aren’t going to take them down. But they will need to reconsider how they go about buying links in the future.

Here are a few helpful tips for your link building strategy.

Know What a “Natural Link” Is

The truth is that the term “natural links” has become kind of meaningless in the SEO world. But it also carries a lot of weight.

For SEO purposes, your priority should be putting your content somewhere that it genuinely fits.

This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t buy links. Link building is an important part of any SEO strategy, and not playing an active role in it can kill your digital marketing performance.

But when you build links, build smart. Put your links somewhere it can not just belong, but thrive.

This will benefit you in two ways.

First, the latest SEO updates punish brands for the content of their links.

Buying links that draw genuinely interested eyes to your brand is a safe way to build links.

Second, good links draw good clicks.

Getting interested eyes on your website is what drives a high conversion rate.

If you’re not taking advantage of link buying to do that, then the latest SEO updates will be nothing compared to the opportunities you’ve missed with your link building strategy.

Keep in mind that you have a lot to focus on when it comes to your link building strategy. Having toxic backlinks and a low link quality problem plaguing your website won’t just result in SEO penalties, but also severe damage to your domain authority.

What Can I Do About It?

Giving up on link building entirely would be a bonehead move.

Pursue a smart link building strategy that can benefit your business in spite of both the latest SEO updates and updates approaching in the future.

That means joining a community with a mutual interest in good links.

It means talking to real people and not a machine that sees you as nobody but a person pushing buttons and dispensing money.

And it means being involved with professionals who are ready to listen to your thoughts and concerns every step of the way.

Create a link buying account with us to take the first step towards controlling your SEO strategy. You will finally stop worrying about sloppy link building that might not fit tomorrow’s latest SEO updates!

Link buying accounts on our website get your links on a wide variety of sites with different categories and themes. You can either take control and hand pick the places you want your links to be, or automate the process with link building queues.

We also replace your links and make sure they’re good.

If you think we’re lying, don’t worry! We love proving just how dedicated we are to quality link building to our customers.

Get in touch with us if you have any questions and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible about next steps and take your SEO strategy to the next level.