Favorites and Tags
Favorites and Tags help you simplify your link building by allowing you to create custom inventory filters.
To get started with Favorites and Tags, watch the video below.
Marking a Web Page as a Favorite
As you are searching for links, you may see a great web page but you aren't ready to place the link yet. Perhaps you are placing links for another site but happen to find the perfect page for one of your other websites. You can easily mark it as a favorite and come back to it later.
Simply click the "Favorites" icon next to the web page. You will see a popup asking you to select a "Tag". Either select an existing tag or enter a new one. The Tag will help you group your favorites together. You might choose to tag it by domain name, sub page, keyword, language, etc.
Once you have marked an item as a favorite, the icon will change to a big thumbs up to signify that you have marked it as a favorite. To remove a web page as a favorite, click the big thumbs up icon and click the button to "remove as favorite".
Marking a Web Page as Hidden
You can also mark a web page as "hidden". Hidden web pages will not appear by default as you are searching through web pages. For example, you may be promoting a site that sells speakers, but you keep seeing sites that talk about "guest speakers".
All you have to do is click the "Hidden" icon next to the web page. Once you have marked an item as hidden, the icon will change to a big thumbs down
to signify that you have marked it as hidden. To remove a web page as hidden, click the big thumbs down icon.
Searching for Favorites, Hidden Pages, and Tags
On the "Select Links" page, you will see two dropdown options.
Favorites/Hidden Dropdown Options
Don't show hidden (Thumbs Down) - This is the default and displays everything marked as a favorite as well as records that are not marked at all
Show Favorites (Thumbs Up) - Only displays items marked as favorites
Show Hidden (Thumbs Down) - Only displays items marked as hidden
Show All - Displays everything regardless of whether or not it has been marked
Tag Dropdown Options
Any tags - Will display items with any tag as well as items that have not been tagged
[My Tag] - As you add favorites and tag them, the tags will appear in the dropdown. This allows you to only display items with the same tag.
Managing Tags
To change your tags, click the "My Tags" link in the left navigation.